Physics 30
The instructor for this course is Josh Balaberda
Course History
First Offered in 2000
Developed by Tony Antonopoulos
Redeveloped by Josh Balaberda in 2015
Pre-requisite Physical Science 20
Physics 30 has as its major component, the topic of mechanics (the study of motion). Scientific and mathematical principles are used to analyze motion, and then through the study of dynamics (forces) and mechanical energy the different types of motion are investigated. After considering situations which involve motion on the earth's surface, the study of motion is extended to consider situations on a universal scale. The course then switches gears and touches on magnetic and electric fields before finishing with some modern physics. We look into Nuclear technology as well as some introduction to quantum mechanics and relativity.
Course Information / Credit Recovery Units
Unit 1: Motion (28 Days)
Conversion and Significant Figures
Motion Along a Straight Line
Free Fall – Acceleration Due to Gravity
Projectile Motion
Unit 2: Force (21 Days)
Newton's First Law
Newton's Second Law
Newton's Third Law
Free Fall and Drag Force
Circular Motion
Centripetal Force
Unit 3: Mechanical Energy (21 days)
Energy and Work Introduction
Work and Kinetic Energy
Work and Potential Energy
Conservation of Energy
Conservation of Energy in Real Life Situations
Unit 4: Momentum (21 days)
Impulse and Momentum
Collisions in One Dimension
Collisions in Two Dimensions
Lab Assignment
Unit 5: Gravitational Fields (21 days)
Introduction to Solar Systems
Law of Universal Gravitation
Gravitation Near the Earth's Surface
A New Perspective
Unit 6: Magnetic and Electric Fields (14 days)
Electric Field Lines
Coulomb's Law
Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Unit 7: Nuclear Technology (14 days)
The Nucleus
Fission and Fusion
Nuclear Research Assignment #1
Nuclear Research Assignment #2
Unit 8: Quantum Mechanics and Relativity (7 days)
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics Research Assignment